10 February 2004

New Pics of Rahil

She is getting prettier by the day. She is now 3 months old and weighs 7KG. We were quite worried that she might be overweight but the doctor said she had excellent growth. Last week we were quite tense when she developed loose motion but the doctor said that it is quite common in growing babies as they put everything within their reach into their mouth. We try to keep the place quite clean but she keeps putting her hand, her toys, even her blanket into her mouth. She was put on a low lactose milk diet and medication for her loose motion and gas. She doesn't like the gas medicine much and she will turn her head here and there and sometimes we end up putting the medicine in her nose. I tried the medicine myself and it TASTES horrible. No wonder the poor baby acts like that. She's Ok with the other medicine but she tenses up when she sees us coming with a dropper and a bottle. Here are some of the latest pictures of Rahil. Ain't she cute:

Pretty in Pink

What is Baba upto?

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