23 October 2003

Another conference another hotel

Just came back after attending the 2nd national Conference on Transportation Management with the theme Issues & Challenges. It was held from 20th to 21st October at the Grand Blue Wave Hotel in Shah Alam (Another 5 star hotel). Shah ALam has to the only place in Malaysia with the best signages. Finding the hotel was quite easy but the traffic jam on the way was really bad. As for the hotel, well I have seen better. The Sutera Harbour Resort in KK, Sabah still remains the best hotel I have been to.
The conference was quite interesting and some imporant issues were raised such as the problems of traffic congestion in the Klang Valley and the Trans ASEAN railway project. However, I don't know if it was due to the fact that I missed out a couple of sessions but good solutions were missing. As compared to other conferences, there was a good mix of professionals, private sector as well as student participation from mixed disciplines. I found it very surprising that very few questions were asked in spite of the fact that a number of conterversial issues were raised. Anyway, it was a good experience.
Will be away for a while. Maybe I will have some good news when I come back.

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